Trecento Santé exceeds the €50m AuM for its 4th birthday.
Trecento Santé post a 51% performance since its inception, thus an annualized performance of 10.9% with a volatility of 12.5%.*
Trecento Santé is offered in France and in Switzerland and has now 3 share classes enablig investors to choose the appropriate foreign exchange risk, one share class in euros (EUR share class – FR0011319664), one share class in USD (USD share class – FR0013224391) and one share class in swiss franc (CHF share class – FR0013224409). The last two share classes will be opened as of January 2017.
*From 14/12/2012 to 14/12/2016. These figures are related to past years and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.