Boursorama : Interview with Alice Lhabouz, president of Trecento Asset Management

On the 27th May 2015 : « Nous croyons au potentiel du secteur de la santé », interview with Alice Lhabouz, President of Trecento Asset Management carried on by Boursorama This interview is only available in French – : Quelle est votre philosophie de gestion chez Trecento AM ? A.L. : Notre positionnement est de rester […]

Quarterly report Q4 2015

Please find here our last quarterly report of the Q4 2015 This report is only available in French

« Trecento Sagas » – bioMérieux’s Introduction

Alice LHABOUZ, President-Founder of Trecento AM, presents the new chronicle « Trecento Sagas » in which she introduces entrepreneurial and family stories. Focus on the story of the French company bioMérieux which is specialized in in-vitro diagnostic and has become the world leader in microbiology and industrial application. – You can find the video here or by getting on […]

Trecento Santé fund celebrates its 3rd birthday !

  Trecento Santé is a mutual fund governed by French law. The fund Trecento Santé doesn’t offer any return or performance guarantee. The minimum recommended investment term is more than 5 years. Before investing, please consult the prospectus on demand at – Please find here all performance data of Trecento Santé fund

Trecento Tour 2016

The teams of Trecento Asset Management come to meet the Wealth Advisors. New dates available soon…

« Flash Trecento Santé » – Trecento Santé’s introduction

Alice LHABOUZ, President-Founder of Trecento AM, presents the Trecento Santé fund created 3 years ago, which gained more than 60% in this period. In Trecento Santé, we invest on international companies stocks from the four subsectors that are pharmaceuticals, biotechnologies, medical technologies and services. On a recommended investment period of 5 years, the fund aims […]