Challenges – Will homeopathy always be reimbursed by complementary health?

The Transparency Commission of the High Authority of Health (HAS) adopted this Wednesday a draft opinion on a possible derogation of homeopathy, a few weeks before the final notice. Christophe Pouchoy, Managing Director and General Manager of Trecento Asset Management, co-manager of the Trecento Santé fund, recalled the effects of lowering homeopathy between 2004 and 2011 in Challenges magazine.

« The negative impact of the repeal of the time [in 2011, the reimbursement rate of homeopathy was lowered from 35 to 30%, after having gone from 65 to 35% in 2004, ed] was not very visible on the market in the years immediately following (…) Indeed, the mutuals have taken over for (…) « 

Read the article by clicking here (available in French only)