Boursorama : Interview with Alice Lhabouz, president of Trecento Asset Management
On the 27th May 2015 : « Nous croyons au potentiel du secteur de la santé », interview with Alice Lhabouz, President of Trecento Asset Management carried on by Boursorama This interview is only available in French – : Quelle est votre philosophie de gestion chez Trecento AM ? A.L. : Notre positionnement est de rester […]
« Trecento Sagas » – bioMérieux’s Introduction
Alice LHABOUZ, President-Founder of Trecento AM, presents the new chronicle « Trecento Sagas » in which she introduces entrepreneurial and family stories. Focus on the story of the French company bioMérieux which is specialized in in-vitro diagnostic and has become the world leader in microbiology and industrial application. – You can find the video here or by getting on […]
Funds magazine : Trecento AM among 10 asset managment companies with strong growth potential
Please find an extract of the Fund magazine article (#82, July/August 2015) dedicated to 10 young asset management companies with high potential of growth among which Trecento AM is, by clicking here This article is only available in French.
« Flash Trecento Santé » – Trecento Santé’s introduction
Alice LHABOUZ, President-Founder of Trecento AM, presents the Trecento Santé fund created 3 years ago, which gained more than 60% in this period. In Trecento Santé, we invest on international companies stocks from the four subsectors that are pharmaceuticals, biotechnologies, medical technologies and services. On a recommended investment period of 5 years, the fund aims […]
Club Patrimoine – « Cyrus Conseil and Monceau Assurances secure the equity », interview with Alice Lhabouz
On the 11th May 2015, in an interview carried out by Jean Pierre Corbel of Club Patrimoine, Alice Lhabouz talked about the fast evolution of Trecento AM since its inception, explaining what constitutes the company’s DNA in terms of asset management, and discussed Monceau Assurance’s entry as a new stockholder of Trecento AM. – Please […]
Club Patrimoine – Trecento Asset Management gets close to Cyrus Group
Trecento Asset Management tops €150 million Assets under Management, thanks to the transfer of a private fund, and gets closer to Cyrus Group. This article is only available in French. – Please find the article by clicking here :
IG France – Alice Lhabouz at the event Nuit du Trading
On November 6th, Alice Lhabouz, president & founder of Trecento AM participated to the event Nuit du Trading organised by IG France.
Trecento AM is the 18th employee savings manager in France
According to the report on employee savings as of June the 30th 2016, carried on by the AFG, Trecento AM is the 18th employee savings manager in France. Please find the entire ranking by clicking here.
La Santé dopée au Big Data et à la Robotique
Retrouvez l’article « La Santé dopée au Big Data et à la Robotique », rédigé par Alice Lhabouz, Présidente de Trecento AM, et Christophe Pouchoy, Analyste-gérant, publié dans le magazine Profession CGP en cliquant ici.
Healthcare boosted by Big Data and Robotics
Please find this article, written by Alice Lhabouz, President and Founder of Trecento AM, and Christophe Pouchoy, Analyst and co-Fund Manager, on the following link. This article is only available in French.