Fortuneo – Carrefour’s market analysis

The stock-exchange road of Carrefour these last years is positive, in particular because of a management which didn’t see the model of the 80s dulling and suffering from the competition of “category killer” (Specialists of a family of product who sell at a low price) […] – Read the stock-exchange analysis of Alice Lhabouz by clicking here. –…

Fortuneo – Accor’s stock market analysis

Accor, which most of its activity in Europe, is a cyclical value, closely linked to the economic situation. Should we be concerned, or have confidence in the strategy of top management, which is based on a simplification of the range, an increase in market shares in my emerging countries and a development of the system…

Boursorama – La Française AM takes over 20% of Trecento AM’s capital

La Française Asset Management took a share of 20 % in the capital of the French entrepreneurial asset management company Trecento Asset Management. La Française AM bring 15 millions euros to the young firm. This participation has been done through la Fançaise AM’s subsidiary NExT AM […] – Please find the entire article here. This article is only available…

Boursorama – Creation of the asset management company Trecento AM

Paris enriches itself with a new French entrepreneurial aseet management company : Trecento Asset Management. Nammed after a great historical century that predated the European medieval Renaissance, the firm has been founded by two co-founders who met when they were studying […] – Please find the entire article on Boursorama by clicking here – – –