Trecento Robotique ISR is an open-ended mutual fund (UCITS IV) that invests in international equities in the robotic sector (which includes robots conceptors/assemblers and their suppliers of equipment, component, material, data processor, software or other services). The objective of the fund, for the recommended investment horizon of 5 years, is to outperform a net annualized return of 7% for the share class I and of 6% for the share class R.

Net annual performance of the Trecento Robotique ISR fund since its creation (part R)
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 YTD (30/08/2024)
21.09% -17.53% 26.35% 21.23% 18.34% -31.64% 31.33% 18.98%
Share R EUR – Code ISIN FR0011319664 – Performances as of
Shart I EUR – Code ISIN FR0013219490 – Performances as of

ISIN code : Share class I EUR – FR0013219490 / Share class I USD – FR0013281995 • Share class R – FR0013219482 / Share class R USD – FR0013282001

Legal form • Mutual fund unded the French law (FCP), UCITS IV compliant

Currency • Euro (€)

Launch date  • 29/12/2016

AMF classification • International equities

Recommended investment horizon  • 5 years

Valuation period • Daily

Dividend policy • Accumulation

Subscriptions/Redemptions • Cut-off : 16h30

Custodian • CACEIS Bank

Fund valuation • CACEIS Fund Administration

Auditors • Mazars

FATCA Statut • Deemed-compliant FFI – Non reporting IGA FFI

Management fees • 2.5% TTC part R et 1.5% TCC part I

Entry fee • None

Exit fee • None

aliceAlice LHABOUZ

Founder & CEO

Alice LHABOUZ began her career at the Corporate Finance Division of Autorité des Marchés Financiers.

After working as a Buy-Side Financial Analyst at Richelieu Finance, Alice LHABOUZ joined La Financière Meeschaert in 2005 as a Private Portfolio Manager for French high-net-worth individuals and families.

In 2011, she founded Trecento Asset Management.

Alice LHABOUZ heads the company and, with Sothira NGAUV, manages the collective investment funds (mutual or dedicated) and is also the manager of discretionary investment mandates of private clients.


Head of Equity Investment

Florent MARTINI is a CFA® (Chartered Financial Analyst) and holds a Master’s degree from the Grande École program at NEOMA Business School.

He also holds a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from Université Paris Dauphine, during which he gained expertise in modern data analysis and Machine Learning techniques, enabling him to develop quantitative models for equity market analysis and stock selection.

Florent MARTINI began his career in 2015 at BNP Paribas as an active investor advisor, where he advised high-end clients on international equities and equity derivatives. In 2017, he advanced within the group, joining Portzamparc, where he became a portfolio manager for international equities and a member of the entity’s investment committee. He successively took on responsibilities as Head of the Consumer Discretionary, Industrial, and Technology sectors, while also contributing to the analysis of the Healthcare sector and stock selection decisions.

He then expanded his portfolio management experience at Amplegest, where he managed high-end clients and co-managed dedicated international equity funds. There, he implemented a stock selection committee based on the quantitative models he had been using in his management for several years.

Florent MARTINI joined Trecento AM in July 2023 as Head of Asset Management and manager of the Trecento Santé ISR and Trecento Robotique ISR funds.

Share R EUR – Code ISIN FR0011319664 – Performances as of
Shart I EUR – Code ISIN FR0013219490 – Performances as of

ISIN code : Share class I EUR – FR0013219490 / Share class I USD – FR0013281995 • Share class R – FR0013219482 / Share class R USD – FR0013282001

Legal form • Mutual fund unded the French law (FCP), UCITS IV compliant

Currency • Euro (€)

Launch date  • 29/12/2016

AMF classification • International equities

Recommended investment horizon  • 5 years

Valuation period • Daily

Dividend policy • Accumulation

Subscriptions/Redemptions • Cut-off : 16h30

Custodian • CACEIS Bank

Fund valuation • CACEIS Fund Administration

Auditors • Mazars

FATCA Statut • Deemed-compliant FFI – Non reporting IGA FFI

Management fees • 2.5% TTC part R et 1.5% TCC part I

Entry fee • None

Exit fee • None

The Fund Managers

aliceAlice LHABOUZ

Founder & CEO

Alice LHABOUZ began her career at the Corporate Finance Division of Autorité des Marchés Financiers.

After working as a Buy-Side Financial Analyst at Richelieu Finance, Alice LHABOUZ joined La Financière Meeschaert in 2005 as a Private Portfolio Manager for French high-net-worth individuals and families.

In 2011, she founded Trecento Asset Management.

Alice LHABOUZ heads the company and, with Sothira NGAUV, manages the collective investment funds (mutual or dedicated) and is also the manager of discretionary investment mandates of private clients.


Head of Equity Investment

Florent MARTINI is a CFA® (Chartered Financial Analyst) and holds a Master’s degree from the Grande École program at NEOMA Business School.

He also holds a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from Université Paris Dauphine, during which he gained expertise in modern data analysis and Machine Learning techniques, enabling him to develop quantitative models for equity market analysis and stock selection.

Florent MARTINI began his career in 2015 at BNP Paribas as an active investor advisor, where he advised high-end clients on international equities and equity derivatives. In 2017, he advanced within the group, joining Portzamparc, where he became a portfolio manager for international equities and a member of the entity’s investment committee. He successively took on responsibilities as Head of the Consumer Discretionary, Industrial, and Technology sectors, while also contributing to the analysis of the Healthcare sector and stock selection decisions.

He then expanded his portfolio management experience at Amplegest, where he managed high-end clients and co-managed dedicated international equity funds. There, he implemented a stock selection committee based on the quantitative models he had been using in his management for several years.

Florent MARTINI joined Trecento AM in July 2023 as Head of Asset Management and manager of the Trecento Santé ISR and Trecento Robotique ISR funds.

The robotics expert committee

Past performance is not an indication of future results and may vary over time. Performances are calculated net of fees. Data sources: Trecento AM

Trecento Robotique ISR on video