Health sector still plays its cards right

Thanks you Funds Watch for this interview of Alice Lhabouz, CEO and founder of Trecento Asset Management, about the evolution of the healthcare sector on the stock market in the coming months. The manager of the fund Trecento Santé ISR also explained the fund management philosophy, which once again withstands periods of crisis. To read…

Performance with health values ​​in your portfolio

“Health sector represents 10% of world GDP; a very good theme for diversifying your portfolio and savings” – Alice Lhabouz, CEO and founder of Trecento Asset Management, Manager of the fund Trecento Santé ISR. Listen to the podcast of June 09, 2020 by clicking here (available in French only)  

Patrimoine24 – Analysis of the COVID-19 crisis (podcast)

On March 27th, 2020, Alice Lhabouz, CEO and founder of Trecento Asset Management, Manager of the fund Trecento Santé ISR, was invited by Patrimoine24 to share her analysis of the COVID-19 crisis and its evolution. “(…) Governments today realize that health has undergone very strong investments under the last few years: we heard Emmanuel Macron…