Trecento AM in the ranking of the best independent Asset Management company with less than 1 billion euros outstanding

For the second consecutive year, Trecento Asset Management is part of the Leaders League ranking!   For this 2020 edition, Leaders League distinguishes Trecento AM as “Highly Recommended” in the “Asset Management – Freelance – Outstandings under € 1 billion” category. Discover the full ranking by clicking here The entire Trecento Asset Management team thanks…

Fortuneo – Carrefour’s market analysis

The stock-exchange road of Carrefour these last years is positive, in particular because of a management which didn’t see the model of the 80s dulling and suffering from the competition of “category killer” (Specialists of a family of product who sell at a low price) […] – Read the stock-exchange analysis of Alice Lhabouz by clicking here. –…